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Research Report on what[]


We could identify the star-signatures and the earlier position of the planet Woran. What was the former home of the star people, and was thrown on Vyn to defeat the Aeterna.

We have also created a replica of Woran with magical energy in our planetarium. I took a single four-dimensional structure in which the spatial and temporal coordinate transformations in relation to other systems were mixed together. The result was a miniature replica of what Woran was, as he was eons ago in the sky.

Through my observations in the planetarium, I discovered that the planets were moved from the gravity, as the star people changed the foundation of Woran. That means, the planets were thrown off course by mistake and slowly, but steadily, drifting to our world. I have calculated the rate of the planet and found that it could come in about a thousand years to a collision, when the planets are not distracted.

